Friday, June 13, 2008

Bailey has graduated - we are so proud!!!

Bailey squeaked out of Highschool with a 3.4 GPA, which is pretty good considering she took about a year off from any kind of homework or studying. (She was far too busy aimlessly "cruising" around town with her newly-licensed 'bff' Katie and learning how to text-message at the speed of light.) We are very proud of her. She's going to be working part-time and enjoying her summer - then all set to start College in the Fall! Chase was at a Girl Scout event, so she missed the graduation ceremony, but Chance & Kaden came to cheer Bales on! They sure were happy to escape the audtiorium afterwards, though - and enjoy the fresh air outside before we took Bailey to lunch to celebrate.

Is it lunch-time yet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bailey - I am so proud of you, also, you have turned into a beauty. Do you know that???for real girl!!! I would love to have seen that day of graduation. I wish you guys could all come out to see us, still a secret. If there is a way, I guess you guys will have to work it out, if possible. I understand about the funds, money is tight sometimes. I absolutely love this blog it, love it. Thanks again Krystal. love you all mawmaw