Jack, being such a good Dad, helps out with the Cub Scout group that Chance is in. When he heard there was going to be "Cubmobile" races where the kids help build a wooden race car and then race them in the street - he was absolutely giddy! For weeks, he planned out the car - scoping out the best wheels, etc. Then he & Chance spent hours & hours working on it - with their tools spread out all over the driveway. It was the cutest thing.... in a manly way, of course. Then, raceday arrived...
Darnit -where is my screwdriver???????
A few last minute adjustments...
And, they're off!!
They start the boys up on ramps and then let them go downhill. The boys steer the cars with their feet and they have a handbrake for the end of the course. They run several "heats" and have time-keepers that compile the "stats". They race the "winners" against the "winners" and keep eliminating cars until they get down to the fastest ones, which they then race for the Championship Trophy.
The boys had a blast! Even the Big Ones.
And when you work hard, and you have fun .... sometimes you end up with something like this:
Yep, that's my Little Man.
Although, just between me & you, it was my Big Man who fell asleep that night with his arms around that trophy and a big grin across his face. (Shhh.... )
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