look pretty cool...
like he does here getting ready for the school "Sock Hop"
But, he says he's ready to lose some hair for the summer.
Still, he looks a bit nervous...
Then we took our little "Abercrombie & Fitch model" home & he had a tickle-fest with his
sisters & Boston to celebrate his new "do".
This is so great, I love these pics. I miss you guys so much, I can not even talk about it sometimes. I feel like I let you down by moving back here - even though I had my reasons, I still feel like I should be there for the kids. I worry so much about Mic and Bailey. Chance is the man...good looking guy, must be from my side. haha. Chase had a sock-hop, she looked so cute. And of course Kaden, is such a doll. Did you guys get another dog...that one does not look familiar, or was that a fat boston? I really can not thank you enough for the pics. Please have Mic and Bailey call me, I have left several messages for them, what is the deal...sit them down give them a phone in hand and watch them call me...I have a few things to talk with them about. I hop all is okay in the home front, call me sometimes. love you all...mawmaw
Hey...have the girls call me, Bailey said she would have Mic call me - I may could help her with her new place. Again, I love these pics. How's the house selling going. Well - talk later. Love all mawmaw
those pics of the kiddies are presh
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