Friday, April 25, 2008

Bailey Jayne turns 18! Isn't she gorgeous?? The whole fam and Bailey's "beau", Aaron, went to Shogun Steakhouse for a celebration dinner!

OK, where's the dinner already - we're starving....

I think Kaden is starting to gnaw on her chopstick.

I know - let's do a present while we wait.

Score! A laptop for college!!

Come on man...chop faster...I said we are starving!

Woo-hoo! It's not a party till something is on fire.

Look at that beautiful smile! (Only about $5000 at the orthodontist) Bailey still loves cake and candles, and bubbles, and video games, and playing in the rain...maybe I haven't lost her to "adulthood" afterall.. Yummmm.......cake.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is really neat mommma!