Thus, an evening of cheap family entertainment was born.

I decided it looked like so much fun - I wanted to try it.

Then, Jack gets home from work & complete with paint and dry-wall on him, had this to say about the situation:
Then, Mackenzie gets home and says "What are you guys doing?"
And then, because she shares the same looney gene pool we do, immediately has this to add:
Then Chase comes home with her friend Tybee

And, you guessed it.......

Then, Jack gets home from work & complete with paint and dry-wall on him, had this to say about the situation:
And, you guessed it.......
Sister Act
A true teenager (although she's 20!) - answering her cell phone mid-jump!

This is me re-inacting when Bailey jumped into the wall. It's OK to laugh at your child jumping straight into a wall, isn't it?
*Notes: Regarding my outfit - I was cleaning house all day so Fashion Divas - please do not judge me. Oh, who am I kidding. I dress like this 90% of the time. Nevermind. Also, we just recently painted, so we still need a light switch cover. (And tile. And the cabinets painted. And hardware....but I digress.)
This is me re-inacting when Bailey jumped into the wall. It's OK to laugh at your child jumping straight into a wall, isn't it?
you are sooooooooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey you're so funny. Am i crazy or does chase over use stuff and snuff? Am i right anyway those flight pics were adorable and good catch on Kaden eating crackers! Any way chase is sort of giving me the stare as to say i'm done typing ok well c u soon
OMG, I love it. Your whole family cracks me up. Lunch soon?
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