Let me start by saying that one of my favorite - ABSOLUTE FAVORITE - things in the whole world is the sound of my little boy Chance saying all right. He says it kind of like Elmer Fudd - "Aw-wite", but instead of dragged out and whiny sounding, he says it quick and cheerful and sweet. So sweet. He says it all of the time. Whenever I tell him - Chance, you need to pick up your room before you go outside. "Aw-wite." Can you put those towels away for me, honey? "Aw-wite." Go brush your teeth. "Aw-wite". He doesn't argue, or question, or even hesitate - just "aw-wite". Every time I hear it - EVERY SINGLE TIME - it makes my heart smile.
Well, last night we were all gathered around the island in the kitchen (funny how that always happens, isn't it?) - the kids were doing their homework, I was fixing dinner, etc. I was walking toward the refrigerator and was telling Chance to put his homework in his backpack when he was finished and he said "all right". Bailey & I both stopped dead in our tracks and stared at each other.
I could feel my heart break just a little.
"What did you say, Chance?" I said. "All right," Chance said. Jack, Bailey & I exchanged anguished looks of understanding. Right there, in that very moment, sitting at the island with his still-small hand wrapped around a Sponge Bob pencil, Chance had grown up a little. And "aw-wite" was gone.
And that's how it happens. They grow up right in front of us in the blink of an eye. IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, PEOPLE!
Later, I explained to Chance that he used to say all right differently and if he wanted to throw me one last "aw-wite" for Old Time's (an hour ago) Sake - he could. And he just looked at me like he had no idea what I was talking about, but then he smiled and sweetly said "aw-wite".
But y'all.
It was different. He was different.
Because, as you know, we can't ever go back. Not years. Not an hour. Not even a blink. Not even if we really, really. REALLY. Want to.
So, Good-bye oh-so sweet, innocent, staggeringly precious "aw-wite".
I will miss you so.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Squirrel Funeral
The kids were playing with some neigborhood friends down the street when a "tragedy" occurred. A squirrel ran out in the road & was run over by a passing car.
The kids were so upset about the injustice of it all. They gathered together and said a little improptu prayer for the squirrel. Then they started to sing.
I'm not kidding.
A neighbor thought it was so sweet she took this picture through her window and sent it to us. I'm thinking - there's 7 people there!
That's quite a good turnout for a Squirrel Funeral.

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Birthday Shout Out
While growing up, I was especially blessed in the "Friend" department. I hung out with the absolute BEST group of girls on the planet! We were known for sporting the best of 80's fashion - including the giant pouffy bangs, all talking at exactly the same time, & saying the word like.... like a lot. Two of my gal-pals were identical twins (boy did we have some fun with that) and just really special people. Some of my favorite things about them were:
1. They let me hang out with them despite the fact that they were "so totally cooler" than me.
2. They were (& still are) drop-dead gorgeous! Which meant we always got a lot of attention when we went places. And free drinks. And marriage proposals.
3. Half their basement served as a giant closet that I swear was the Mecca of cool clothes & shoes. And they SHARED THEM WITH ME! (I still get misty-eyed thinking about all the shoulder pads & blingy belts).
4. Ya know when you wear like thick, goopy lipstick and you like get that scumline thing around your like lip? They like always discreetly let me know when I like had that going on. Fer sure.
5. They loved Madonna & Prince just as much as I did.
Good times. Good times.
Along with being Beautiful, they were (& still are) Smart, & Witty, & Kind. And although this seems like it would be nauseating - they somehow pull it off.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Our Thanksgiving '08
We kicked the soccer ball around to Pene.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Just a Typical Tuesday Night...
Thus, an evening of cheap family entertainment was born.

I decided it looked like so much fun - I wanted to try it.

Then, Jack gets home from work & complete with paint and dry-wall on him, had this to say about the situation:
Then, Mackenzie gets home and says "What are you guys doing?"
And then, because she shares the same looney gene pool we do, immediately has this to add:
Then Chase comes home with her friend Tybee

And, you guessed it.......

Then, Jack gets home from work & complete with paint and dry-wall on him, had this to say about the situation:
And, you guessed it.......
Sister Act
A true teenager (although she's 20!) - answering her cell phone mid-jump!

This is me re-inacting when Bailey jumped into the wall. It's OK to laugh at your child jumping straight into a wall, isn't it?
*Notes: Regarding my outfit - I was cleaning house all day so Fashion Divas - please do not judge me. Oh, who am I kidding. I dress like this 90% of the time. Nevermind. Also, we just recently painted, so we still need a light switch cover. (And tile. And the cabinets painted. And hardware....but I digress.)
This is me re-inacting when Bailey jumped into the wall. It's OK to laugh at your child jumping straight into a wall, isn't it?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Mother/Daughter Day with Chase
Below: "The Three Blondes"
Monday, November 24, 2008
So - ya know when you have a really rough day and you come home to this:
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Kaden has glasses!
Seriously, it has not been three months since I last posted - has it? That is just ridiculous! I pinky-promise I will try to do better.... In the meantime, Kaden got new glasses and I think they are super cute on her. They are kind of pinky-red color and she absolutely LOVES them! Apparently one eye is a lot worse than the other eye so her depth perception has just been completely off - poor thing. No wonder she could never catch a ball! As soon as we got home, we threw balls to her in the front yard and she immediately caught every single one - who knew?
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Summer Fun
Pretty exciting!
This was Fourth of July celebration
$1 Hotdogs and Fireworks - does it get any better?
We also got a new game called "Dance Revolution".
It's hysterical to watch!
The kids did plenty of swimming, too! Chance can do all kinds of crazy tricks off the diving board. Of course I don't have any pictures of that.
This is the look I got when I said
"Chance, guess what - school starts next week!"
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